Dari Scratch-Indo-Wiki

Studio Desain Scratch adalah studio bertema yang temanya berganti sekitar setiap bulan.

Daftar Tema

Tema-temanya adalah, dari yang paling lama sampai yang terbaru:

  1. Remix-a-thon
  2. 8 Blocks
  3. The Future of Scratch
  4. Haiku
  5. Mystery Games
  6. Random Numbers
  7. Seeing Words
  8. Bizarro World
  9. Try Scratch!
  10. Travel
  11. Our Planet
  12. Add a page
  13. Plans for 2009
  14. Rectangles
  15. Thank you
  16. Make some noise
  17. It's Alive!
  18. Scavenger Hunt
  19. Phone Call
  20. Deep Space
  21. Ask me
  22. Blooming Flowers
  23. 500000
  24. Front Page Design
  25. Help me!
  26. Shadows
  27. Happy Halloween!
  28. Lists, lists, lists
  29. Minifig Madness
  30. Sports Time
  31. Sing Song
  32. -oOo-Under the Sea-oOo-
  33. Patterns
  34. 1,000,000 Projects!
  35. oOo Graffiti oOo
  36. Recipes
  37. World Cup!
  38. Make your own animal
  39. Make your own robot
  40. Your favorite book
  41. Flight!
  42. Halloween 2010!
  43. Scratch Tutorial!~
  44. Oh! The Places You'll Go/Animated Poetry~
  45. Remix into 2011!
  46. ~Time Travel~
  47. TV Design Studio!
  48. Ultimate Birthday Party
  49. Loudness Lollapalooza!
  50. Scratch Day 2011
  51. Let me show you around...
  52. Make A Computer
  53. It's over 2,000,000!
  54. When I grow up...
  55. Halloween 2011!
  56. One Sprite, One Script.
  57. Interactive Pen Projects
  58. Do-It-Yourself!
  59. Carnival Games!
  60. All About Animals!
  61. Circles and Squares
  62. The Olympics 2012!
  63. 8 bit
  64. Halloween 2012!
  65. Super Heroes!
  66. 3,000,000 Projects~!
  67. Memories of Scratch 1.x
  68. Celebrate Pi Day!
  69. Why Do You Scratch?
  70. Scratch Doodle
  71. Inspired by a Song
  72. Halloween 2013
  73. Celebrate 4,000,000 Projects!
  74. Holiday Foods
  75. New Year, New Resolutions
  76. Interactive Sensor Projects!
  77. Celebrate 5,000,000 Projects!
  78. Interactive Sensor Projects
  79. Scratch Day 2014
  80. Creative Inventions
  81. Embrace Randomness
  82. Create with these Characters
  83. 10 Block Challenge
  84. Creative Cloning
  85. Once Upon a Dinner...
  86. Create a Super Hero!
  87. Scratch Around The World!
  88. Create Your Own Planet!
  89. Block Dance Party!
  90. Celebrate 10 Million Projects: Past, Present, Future
  91. Custom Block Madness!
  92. Create Your Own Scratch Island
  93. Alice in Wonderland 150th Anniversary
  94. New Year's Celebration: Express 2016!
  95. Remix-A-Thon
  96. The Last SDS
  97. Make Music!
  98. In the Spotlight
  99. Create a New Scratch Character 10 Squares
  100. Scratch 101
  101. Studio Spotlight
  102. Things to Try!
  103. Gobolympics
  104. Scratch Rewind: 2017
  105. Interactive Stories
  106. Design a Park
  107. From Dusk 'Till Dawn
  108. Symmetry
  109. Time Travel
  110. Create Your Own Restaurant
  111. Bounce!
  112. Year 3000
  113. Monochromatic
  114. Bloop
  115. Day In The Life
  116. Growing
  117. Puzzled
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