Dari Scratch-Indo-Wiki
Studio Desain Scratch adalah studio bertema yang temanya berganti sekitar setiap bulan.
Daftar Tema
Tema-temanya adalah, dari yang paling lama sampai yang terbaru:
- Remix-a-thon
- 8 Blocks
- The Future of Scratch
- Haiku
- Mystery Games
- Random Numbers
- Seeing Words
- Bizarro World
- Try Scratch!
- Travel
- Our Planet
- Add a page
- Plans for 2009
- Rectangles
- Thank you
- Make some noise
- It's Alive!
- Scavenger Hunt
- Phone Call
- Deep Space
- Ask me
- Blooming Flowers
- 500000
- Front Page Design
- Help me!
- Shadows
- Happy Halloween!
- Lists, lists, lists
- Minifig Madness
- Sports Time
- Sing Song
- -oOo-Under the Sea-oOo-
- Patterns
- 1,000,000 Projects!
- oOo Graffiti oOo
- Recipes
- World Cup!
- Make your own animal
- Make your own robot
- Your favorite book
- Flight!
- Halloween 2010!
- Scratch Tutorial!~
- Oh! The Places You'll Go/Animated Poetry~
- Remix into 2011!
- ~Time Travel~
- TV Design Studio!
- Ultimate Birthday Party
- Loudness Lollapalooza!
- Scratch Day 2011
- Let me show you around...
- Make A Computer
- It's over 2,000,000!
- When I grow up...
- Halloween 2011!
- One Sprite, One Script.
- Interactive Pen Projects
- Do-It-Yourself!
- Carnival Games!
- All About Animals!
- Circles and Squares
- The Olympics 2012!
- 8 bit
- Halloween 2012!
- Super Heroes!
- 3,000,000 Projects~!
- Memories of Scratch 1.x
- Celebrate Pi Day!
- Why Do You Scratch?
- Scratch Doodle
- Inspired by a Song
- Halloween 2013
- Celebrate 4,000,000 Projects!
- Holiday Foods
- New Year, New Resolutions
- Interactive Sensor Projects!
- Celebrate 5,000,000 Projects!
- Interactive Sensor Projects
- Scratch Day 2014
- Creative Inventions
- Embrace Randomness
- Create with these Characters
- 10 Block Challenge
- Creative Cloning
- Once Upon a Dinner...
- Create a Super Hero!
- Scratch Around The World!
- Create Your Own Planet!
- Block Dance Party!
- Celebrate 10 Million Projects: Past, Present, Future
- Custom Block Madness!
- Create Your Own Scratch Island
- Alice in Wonderland 150th Anniversary
- New Year's Celebration: Express 2016!
- Remix-A-Thon
- The Last SDS
- Make Music!
- In the Spotlight
- Create a New Scratch Character 10 Squares
- Scratch 101
- Studio Spotlight
- Things to Try!
- Gobolympics
- Scratch Rewind: 2017
- Interactive Stories
- Design a Park
- From Dusk 'Till Dawn
- Symmetry
- Time Travel
- Create Your Own Restaurant
- Bounce!
- Year 3000
- Monochromatic
- Bloop
- Day In The Life
- Growing
- Puzzled